Do you want to know how to start exporting your wines?

Hello, this is Verónica Maluenda

I am a specialist in opening new markets to export organic wine and I confess myself as an enthusiast of Spanish wines.

I want to help you to export your organic wines, to break down the barriers that until now have held you back when it comes to exporting and to position your brand and your wines beyond our borders.

I believe in the power of companies to adapt themselves to new situations and keep moving forward, even in complicated times such as those ones resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.

I take a chance to Spanish wineries that respect wine and the natural processes that are beneficial to our planet, and I am committed with honesty in my relationships with my clients to offer them the confidence and results of a professional consultant.

I help my clients to export their organic wines successfully. The wines exported under my "seal" are ordered from establishments that stand out for the quality and originality of their wines.

A little sip of me

You will love working together with me if…

You make organic, original or peculiar wines and you want to export them to increase your sales.

You are sure that your wines would be successful in countries where “bio” or “eco” products are valued and where Spanish wine still has a long way to go, but for some reason you have not decided to export them (yet).

You have organic wine stored ready for consumption but your customers in the HORECA channel cannot absorb all the production, especially this season due to the restrictions on openings and capacity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

You value honest and transparent business and people, and you prefer your partners and collaborators to be sustainable companies that respect the environment and the planet.

Let’s do it together!

Contact me and we will work together in your path to export.